St David Fashion Show 2013

It's official St David in Cardiff are having a Spring/Summer Fashion show for 2013 and are bringing it to the streets. When I received an email reminding me of the date and time, I just couldn't believe it! they said "We've all been buried under winter coats, scarves and hats" it's as if they can read my mind (laugh out loud).  Lately I have been wondering were the sun was and have really been crying for a runway show down of some kind... But the answer has come and is going on display from 27 to 28 April 2013.

I truly can't wait to lay my eye on all the designer trends. Also, I plan to take pictures but I hope to see Internacionale's clothing. Get your cameras ready and your fashion style inspiration (hehe)...I do hope to see some of you guys on the day. :)

Also Ollie&Nic are going to be offering 20% off on the day.


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