Indian Healing Clay

Hey Guys, I know it's been a while since I blogged and would like to apologies for this.

Any way let's get back to the post before I become all apologetic!  As we all know, our skin changes EVERYTIME we either break out like crazy, look grease has a baking tray or become dry as the Sahara desert and how we all look for the best products that would just make our skin look normal / be normal (literally). As mentioned so many times in on this blog......I'm VERY picky when it comes to skin products but when mother nature is just right the corner, we just have to find the nearest product we can find and funny enough, This healing clay happen to be one of them. 

 Let's all just say hello to The Indian Healing Clay for one second! I don't know about you guys....But I seem to have seen this product EVERYWHERE from YouTube to Instagram etc (You name the site,s) I've seen them EVERYWHERE!!!!! And I ain't the type of person to go and buy a product that hyped EVERYWHERE......I want to believe it for myself FIRST! Then......I go ahead. This product SHOCKINGLY enough, got me and as you do, I clicked onto the Amazon website searched for the product and clicked buy and yes (if you all follow me on Instagram, you would have known that I've just got this product today) #ThankGod4AmazonPrime. To be honest with you, it took me a while to go ahead and get this healing clay (Mostly that mother nature is just at the corner as mentioned). 

Before I could go ahead and just apply
 this product onto me face, I had to do a testing trail first! And where else better but on my hand ;)  (Very Picky Remember) . I know I haven't mixed the product very well (As you can see on the images) but I just wanted to see how the texture felt and at first I thought it would be very clay like feel but instead it felt nothing like that.....It has a very good consistency when mixed with water. 

When it came to rising, I really like the way the clay dissolved and how it didn't leave any type of patches. 

When reading the instrucions given on the package, your adviced to " mix clay with equal parts of raw apple cider vingar and/or water. Stir the mixture well to smooth paste" you are also adviced to "use a non-metal bowl and utensil"

the other thing I like about this product, is that your given the opportunity to add more clay or liquid as needed (In other word you chose your very own consistency.....whatever tickal your fancy). Unlike other products that do the mixing already. 

Yes today was the first time that I'v tried this product and no I haven't seen a dramatic difference yet but I've heard when you use the product for a month a or so, that it will brighten your skin tone, smoothens your complexion,hydrates your skin (reducing fine lines/ acne scars), fades acne marks, makes your pores smaller and reduces blemishes.......If that doesn't sound Amazing/ seem appealing, I don't want is and yes I eneded up trying the product on my face (image will be on my instrgram so feel free to follow me @gerardinesephora......if you would like to see how it looks)

- Didn't take long to dry
My skin felt soft
- I noticed that the marks on my face faded a little
- Experiened tightening and pulsating while waitin for the mask to dry

- Skin felt Really dry after rising 

I will do a full review in a month or so......this time with a before and after image etc

by the way this producis priced around £7 And would last you forever (Literally)

Link >>>>


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